Friday, March 29, 2013

I GOT THE POWER! (in the shower)

I dont know about the rest of you guys but we love (read as need) a great showering experience in order for the day to begin on a good note. Some people are in and out in 5-10 min, that definitely isnt us!

In our old house we had amazing water pressure (and the bill to match), but having to adjust to these water-saving shower heads  which are very similar to the rainfall type leaves us wanting more.

So, if youre like us there is a simple solution...remove the water saving restricting filter!

Time: 5 min
Cost: $0
Difficulty: Easy

Tools Needed:
- Needle nose pliers/Flat head screwdriver
- Adjustable Wrench

The restrictor is inside the shower head where it attaches to the shower arm.

Simply remove the shower head and then use the tip of a screw to remove the black o-ring and then pull out the restrictor with the needle nose pliers.

Or if you want to leave the o-ring in place, you can simply use a screwdriver and puncture the restrictor right in the center.

Done!  Instant fire hose :-)


  1. IDK, our water bill was $15, Im thinking that was a mistake though...LOL

    1. I'm sure that was the end of your billing cycle lol. Plus u haven't had the pleasure of irrigation yet. You're going to love that bill.

    2. yes @ irrigation bill....our first bill (we moved in in September) was nearly $400!! not looking forward to the spring/summer bills. The winter bill was only $150ish. I guess it evens out ??

  2. Is that what comes standard with the house? I am with you 100% on high pressure experiences!

  3. If you have the tankless water heater, which I do....we HAD to remove the restrictors. The symptom was the water temperature would fluctuate requiring constant adjustments. Sometimes the hot water would just disappear. Apparently the restrictor causes the tankless to not properly sense the draw for water. So if you have a tankless water heater and are experiencing this issue, removing the restrictor will solve it.

    1. Absolutely right! We did have some fluctuations in the master which is the farthest from the tank and this solved that as well. :)

  4. I'm gonna do this, and later I'll be baking cupcakes in your honor.

    1. You know they make cupcake shipping boxes :)

  5. This is so noted for a diy after move in! Thank you!!

